Ancient Wisdom
For Healing

About us

Healing is in the Wings of the Sun

Proudly Ghanaian, Great Healer instituted by His Royal Majesty King Emmanuel a year and a half ago with the mission to restore the Planet Earth to attain its Holy Identity. While various services are offered our core foundation is to heal the Earth by assisting every living soul with the knowledge of physical and spiritual transformation with the use of nature’s key tool of herbs.

Our Mission

To establish the Celestial Everlasting Kingdom of immortality and global consciousness by transforming the human body and soul to attain pure cosmic perfection through natural and scientific healing with therapeutic herbs and plants. Moreover, we seek to institutionalize a world of total peace free from tribalism and racial differences. To raise our level of vibration to the status of higher light vibrational beings.

Our Vision

To heal, awaken, enlighten, and nourish every living soul on earth to attain full cosmic and ancient knowledge of self-identity and other mystery worlds of existence to be able to connect to the source of nature and achieve his or her Celestial glory with continuous improvement and constant learning to gain cosmic intelligence.

Core Values


We honor all our commitments to our clients, employees, and the entire humanity as a whole by conducting business with high standards of honesty, trust, and professionalism. We are stewards of what we stand for, focused on running a blissful celestial motive of existence on restoring our planet with the ability to heal every human being.


We work as one coherent team from every chamber to the highest realms while developing knowledge and wisdom and continuously changing the status quo to provide principles on soul awakening and empowering every individual soul to successfully achieve their heart desire. We are dedicated to restoring a caring and supportive working environment that brings awakening and freedom to every living soul.


We are focused on serving every individual. The effort is through producing a reliable audience and market with authentic healing and soul-awakening herbal products that aim to manifest the cosmic healing abilities of every living soul to attain divine perfection.


King Emmanuel

The totality of the cosmos consists of mysterious planets which are esoterically identified as realms of existence. These realms are inhabited by beings or entities created by the Source Energy as a place of existence with a well-structured system that is governed by a King who steers the affairs of the noble realm to fulfill the ultimate destiny of eternal peace, love, harmony, bliss, etc. Earth, the heavenly abode and realm of human beings has not yet recognized and acknowledged the ultimate role of a king who holds the true identity of a God and exhibits extreme wisdom, leadership, and power to be crowned and sit on the Holy Throne.


Great Healer Great Healer



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there is nothing too small

The new awakening movement identified as the Healers seeks to enlighten, define and activate the very core principle of human existence and transform every individual soul to attain the cosmic blueprint of consciousness.